So when developing in Ruby, I wanted something compatible with cygwin. I had previously installed Ruby in Windows and relied on cygwin finding the Ruby executable when I ran my Ruby code. This is fine for just using Ruby, but when I wanted gem and irb, I was SOL. I had to install from source. Luckily, this was super easy:
- Using the cygwin setup, install make, gcc, libiconv, openssl, libyaml-devel, zlib, zlib_devel and wget.
- Then navigate to and grab the url for the source of ruby that you want to install and wget it.
- wget
- Then untar it and cd into the ruby* directory
- Run ./configure
- Run ./make
- Run ./make install
- Then test it!
- which ruby and it should be something like /usr/local/bin/ruby
Now you have ruby, gem, irb and all the rest.